Anyhow, on to the subject of todays rambling. Crawfords long term replacement is this guy above, Desmond Jennings. He was called up in June and I think he is staying for good. Last night against the Jays he hit two home runs and stole a base. His stats so far this years are as follows, .354 avg, 8 homers, 19 rbi's and 14 stolen bases. I believe he has more homers than Crawford and is not too far behind him in steals. Of course it is a small sample size, but I honestly believe Desmond Jennings is going to be a super star for many years.
On a side note about the card. I bet the dude to the right of Jennings wishes he was holding a different pose when the shot was taken, imagine for the rest of that dudes life he is the fish face dude from Opening Day 2011.